Problem Solver

Robert Lemke

Robert Lemke
Solutions I provide will tend towards reductions to the simplest and most pragmatic choice.

I do not "over engineer".

I consider myself an objective generalist rather than a subjective specialist in solving problems - the solution will always be presented with a high level of consideration for ergonomics and a high level of consideration for the end user of the product.

Areas Robert Lemke is Knowledgeable in:

commercial space travel
Vertical Take Off and Landing Personal Vehicle
Transportation, vehicle and infrastructure interface

Techniques Robert Lemke Uses:

Discover the need, understand the need, create appropriate solution, simply explain the solution, show the solution, implement the solution when everyone is smiling.

Robert Lemke's Problem Solving Skills:

  1. creativity
  2. desire for tangible results
  3. drive for perfection
  4. clear communication
  5. facilitation
  6. explaining
  7. needs identification and summary
  8. negotiation
  9. wit
  10. combining existing ideas into something innovative and unique

Robert Lemke's Problem Solving Experience:

  1. Content Manager, Creating and implementing electronic approval process for tracking changes to internal training documents for audit trail.
  2. Senior planner, Planning and implementing a changeover from military aircraft maintenance facility to primarily commercial airline Maintenance repair and overhaul facility for Boeing narrow body aircraft.
  3. Content manager, created intuitive Navigation structures in 50 electronic training manuals
  4. Undergrad, Using 11th century logic of Anslem's De grammatico, In a class lecture to fellow undergrad philosophy students proved that Anselm's writings about the Eucarist, widely thought to be central to the split between the protestant church and holy catholic actually was exactly the same as Luther's logic in much later writings in explaining the same Eucharist.
  5. Instructor, Using the rigorous and world renowned rigorous Russian system of pedagogy, created a system of lesson planning in a high school that well-in-advance, accounts for every minute of time used by the instructor in the class resulting in much richer and productive session of learning. Tested retention levels revealed much higher retention in those using my system
  6. Volunteer, With a team of thirty young volunteers, designed and rebuilt a much stronger bridge in place of a washed out bridge by hand.