Problem Solver

Shamil Sabitov

Shamil Sabitov
as an improved device sipmler as the invention more effective and profitable.

Areas Shamil Sabitov is Knowledgeable in:

my algorithm allows to add a simple element to already existing goods so that it begins to meet a new need of consumers.

Techniques Shamil Sabitov Uses:

How can I be useful for you?
Experience shows that almost any simple (not complex) product can be turned into Si El. I already improved 27 products by this way: saucepan; T-shirt; mineral water bottle; sofa; baseball cap; diary; chair especially convenient for the elderly; glasses that help the elderly to feel younger; watch for cell phone, etc.
I will undertake to improve your products so that they become as successful as the examples described at

Shamil Sabitov's Problem Solving Skills:

  1. I can find new needs of consumers and create simple novelties that meet these needs.

Shamil Sabitov's Problem Solving Experience:

  1. What special do I have those others do not?
    I worked out the Si El conception. Si El is a very simple, but very effective improvement of commodity, service or technology that could be done for a long time ago (all conditions and opportunities for this existed for a long time), but for various reasons had not been done, and after finally been done - captured the all market.
    Si el - this is a very easy way to make a commodity qualitatively better and more convenient. This is an opportunity to improve the product slightly so that people began to talk about it, "Wow, how simple! And why no one had thought to do so before? For details please see my article at .
    I already created 27 Si El improvements. It is very possible that you yourself already use a product based on one of my inventions in your iPhone too (please see the mentioned article).