Problem Solver

Srikrishna Pothukuchi

First of all understand the problem clearly. You will get clear-cut direction by defining your problem in an ambiguous way. Solidify understanding of your problem by taking different perspectives from different people. Then drill-down the problem into several domains and attack one-by-one. There is no single problem without minimum three solutions.

Areas Srikrishna Pothukuchi is Knowledgeable in:

Management, Leadership, Strategy Formulation and Engineering.

Techniques Srikrishna Pothukuchi Uses:

I am not sure specifically but whenever I thing about a problem some solution or group of solutions flash to my mind. Generally I employ such solutions. More formally I use brainstorming techniques in team environment and encourage people to speak and present their ideas and seek all colleagues to respect the ideas how trivial or significant they might be.

Srikrishna Pothukuchi's Problem Solving Skills:

  1. Management issues
  2. Leadership and motivation
  3. Outsourcing
  4. Information Management
  5. Cost Reduction
  6. Strategy Formulation
  7. Reengineering the computer domain problems
  8. Reorganizing the basic engineering fundamentals
  9. Electronic Navigation
  10. Engineering Optimization

Srikrishna Pothukuchi's Problem Solving Experience:

  1. Conceptualized and conducted pilot work on reverse engineering balanced scorecard. This is helpful in multinational companies where strategy is burried in the corporate headquarters and top management is not effective translating strategy into action.
  2. Get the work done from conflicting groups of people without losing productivity, and kept the motivation levels of the team to souring heights.
  3. I dealt with burning management issues of resource allocation and optimization by keeping several options open and being flexible. It helped me to resolve hard-to-crack problems easily and provide long lasting solutions in a phased manner.
  4. Conceptualized Event-Reaction-Response model where business intelligence can help telecommunication companies to capture customer behaviour automatically and improvize facilities.
  5. Conceptualized spatial reality in one of my research papers where spatial events are captured and help geographic information scientists or utility engineers to analyze multi-dimensional data.
  6. Conceptualized business spatial intelligence in one of my research papers that defines a framework modeling domain objects in relation with geographic information.
  7. Currently working on a scientfic software engineering model where coding is totally avoided. In simple words I would like to bring the real manufacturing and engineering flavor to software development. If we are successful in this IT costs across industries will be brought down drastically and IT would become a disciplined and predictable field like any other manufacturing sector.
  8. Invented file naming convention that limits to 8 digit alpha-numerics of a geographic coordinate system without losing precision of upto 12 decimal places.