Problem Solver

Tim Riley

Tim Riley
I have a weird brain, I come up with whacky ideas all the time, most...trash, but after a little discussion and refinement, some are really good ideas. I am normally the one that comes up with the answer that no-one else can solve, the last alternative. So if you've had a problem for some time and haven't had a sensible solution, try me, I may just be zany enough to come at it form a completely different direction and give you the solution you need.

Areas Tim Riley is Knowledgeable in:

Woodworking tools

Techniques Tim Riley Uses:

mind maps, sleep (or lack of it), conversation in groups, starting with wild ideas and homing in on the solution later.
Brainstorming with friends.

Tim Riley's Problem Solving Skills:

  1. Model maker, wooden boat rebuilder
  2. Woodworker
  3. Marine industry for 27 years. (Deck, Master Mariner), now Marine and safety manager
  4. Invented kitchen systems (not marketed)
  5. inventing tools and tool aids
  6. Designing safety features into already constructed marine structures

Tim Riley's Problem Solving Experience:

  1. Broke my hand cutting granite blocks witha cold chisel. Available equipment on the market not suitable for 4lb lump hammer smashing into hand (to prevent it) so designed a different method of controling the chisel.
    Very cheap, very simple and worht a firtune to the right manufacturer. Not patented yet.
  2. Some family members could not access certain equipment within their homes. Nothing available on the market of suitable nature. I designed and constructed a suitable system that would fit into the existing furniture and was held in place by a magnetic catch. On touching the facia, the catch would release allowing access to other areas as well as the unit touched. (No patent yet, so can't give all the details.)