Problem Solver

Tracy Stefan

There are many solutions to any given problem. If one doesn't work, persevere until you find another that does.

Areas Tracy Stefan is Knowledgeable in:

electronic publishing; ebooks; business and personal finance; foreclosure; real estate

Techniques Tracy Stefan Uses:

I write a step by step illustrated process for the average laymen to solve their specific financial problems. My solutions are thoroughly researched and referenced. The financial solutions I provide on distill complex financial matters into a 500 word solution in plain English so that people with little or no prior experience can receive help. I am technically a "service journalist" at Demand Media Studios, working on a freelance basis. Thank-you

Tracy Stefan's Problem Solving Skills:

  1. small business experience; money-management skills; communication skills; Internet publishing; Creating Internet media content

Tracy Stefan's Problem Solving Experience:

  1. I have created Internet media content that solves peoples immediate financial needs such as how to cope with medical bills they cannot afford and how to stop a home foreclosure sale that is scheduled in two weeks. I write for Demand Media, my work appears on which is devoted to solving peoples financial problems.