Innovative People

Vincent Gutschick

Vincent Gutschick * Optimal crop (ideotype) design (trait selection and introgression) and management, esp. in areas of growth, water- and N-use efficiency, stress tolerance, and responses to extreme events. * Similarly, for non-crop systems (lightly-managed forests, wild land), the assessment of water use, stress levels, and responses to extreme events, for the estimation of water resources and fire risk. * For wild land to crops: estimation of biogeographic changes being driven by climate and CO2 change, using deeper knowledge of physiology and evolutionary biology. * Climate change (and direct effects of CO2 and any geoengineering) - amelioration (particularly by introduction of green technologies) and adaptation. * LIfe-cycle assessment of energy technologies for net energy yield (including all capital energy use) and climate/environmental impacts; this includes evaluation in the large of claims by proponents of new technologies

Languages Vincent Gutschick speaks:
