Problem Solver

Abd El Karim Bel Bouhali

Abd El Karim Bel Bouhali

Areas Abd El Karim Bel Bouhali is Knowledgeable in:

today i am interested in artificial intelligence

Techniques Abd El Karim Bel Bouhali Uses:

physical and computer problem

Abd El Karim Bel Bouhali's Problem Solving Skills:


Abd El Karim Bel Bouhali's Problem Solving Experience:

  1. biomass energy are:

    -Biomass is always and widely available as a renewable source of energy.
    The organic materials used to produce biomass are infinite, since our society consistently produces waste such as garbage, wood and manure.

    -It is carbon neutral
    As a natural part of photosynthesis, biomass fuels only release the same amount of carbon into the atmosphere as was absorbed by plants in the course of their life cycle.

    -It reduces the overreliance of fossil fuels.

    Not only is there is a limited supply of fossil fuels, but fossil fuels come with environmental baggage, including the release of large amounts of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere and the pollutants that result from removal, transportation and production.