Problem Solver

Abraham Laleye

Abraham Laleye

Areas Abraham Laleye is Knowledgeable in:

Software Design, Databse Design, Business Strategy, Industrial selling,Survey Design, Data Analysis,

Techniques Abraham Laleye Uses:

Brain Storming, Mind mapping, Flow Chart, Process Maps, Ben Balance, Cause and Effect Diagrams,

Abraham Laleye's Problem Solving Skills:

  1. Industrial Selling
  2. Strategic Management
  3. Strategic Marketing
  4. Psychometrics
  5. Business Presentation
  6. Software Design
  7. Database Design
  8. Psychotherapy
  9. Counselling
  10. Interviewing
  11. Data Analysis
  12. Survey Design
  13. Verbal Communication
  14. Creative Thniking Skills

Abraham Laleye's Problem Solving Experience:

  1. I developved a psychometric test called "Migenius" used by Secondary Schools in Nigeria for Career Selection for Adolecents. Many Parents in Nigeria also use the solution for selecting career fro their adolecent.
  2. I developed a psychometric test called "WorkIQ" which is used by Companies in Nigeria as a pre-recruitment tool to predict staff poductivity.
  3. I have developed and implemented several training programmes in the area of business management for hundreds of satisfied clients in the last twenty years.
  4. I developed a comprehensive Human Resources, Adminiatration and Performance Management Software called "Smartreviews" Used by Companies in Nigeria