
Alexander Goldshlak

Alexander Goldshlak
To begin with, that it is not an innovation in the literal sense of the word. This is the result of analysis my own observations behind work of Mechanical engineer, who I am since 1986, throughout my entire career. My work represents a detailed explanation of reasons of its occurrence and as a consequence out of this situation and it is a set of measures, starting with the creation of a new program as well database and the create a single engineering space. And result of all these activities will be:

Reducing the cost of the project works.

Reducing the time of project work.

Reducing the time of adaptation the new employee.

"Young inexperienced engineer" this notion will disappear.

Enhance the quality of design work.

Reduce the number of compelled and unforced errors.

Rapid progress of engineering science.

Increasing level of engineering personnel.

Reducing the number of of talentless engineers.

Will Increase the level of training of engineering personnel.
I have not mentioned here, about financial benefits, but they will be significant and many other benefits.
That's not all. I developed a new computer system, and a new system build user programs, these two systems was designed with accounting of intellectual possibilities and psychology of middle and lower level user (which are most of the users).