Problem Solver

Animesh Sahu

Areas Animesh Sahu is Knowledgeable in:


Techniques Animesh Sahu Uses:

What ever may be the structure of the universe, the whole universe follows some common rules.

1.The Universe is trying to maintain a balance between Kinetic and Potential Energy (i.e. Every 2 opposite things) over time. Everything cycle, may be kinetic or potential that starts goes to maximum and then comes back to minimum. +ve (positive) and -ve(negeive) charge is the force factor that drives the Universe for this balance. Mass is the potential form of energy.

2.The sub-system balance is dependent on super-system balance.

3.There is no absolute 0% and 100% in this Universe. Neither you can absolutely deny the possibility of anything nor you can be absolutely sure about possibility of anything. You can not deny the possibility of other sets of charges like +ve and -ve charges.

4.Time goes in positive direction when your system is driven by kinetic energy and it moves in negative direction when it is driven by potential energy. That means if you sit on photon you go to future and if you sit on a positron/electron or proton/anti-proton or proton/electron when they are attracting each other you will go to past.

If you study any system Laws will be proved.
If the system is Milky way Galaxy the sub-system is solar system. If solar system is system then the planets are sub-system. If molecule is system then atom is sub-system and so on. The atom KE/PE balance is dependent on molecule, atom and molecule KE/PE balance is dependent on object and so on. This dependency can be called as environmental effect.

Charge(+ve & -ve) is the force factor which drives the Universe for this PE/KE balance.

Animesh Sahu's Problem Solving Experience:

  1. What ever may be the structure of the universe, the whole universe follows some common rules.

    Charge(+ve & -ve) is the force factor which drives the Universe for this PE/KE balance.