Problem Solver

Anwar Haque

Anwar Haque

Areas Anwar Haque is Knowledgeable in:

Enhancing quality of Computer Science and ICT as a subject within educational institutions, advisory and consultancy to government bodies, inspection bodies, stakeholders and third parties

Techniques Anwar Haque Uses:

Identify the issues.
Understand everyone's interests.
List the possible solutions (options)
Evaluate the options.
Select an option or options.
Document the agreement(s).
Agree on contingencies, monitoring, and evaluation.

Anwar Haque's Problem Solving Skills:

  1. Automotive - appreciation of the needs for family cars
  2. PGCE in secondary education for ICT - CompSci. Teacher and Head of Department - deep understanding of building or recreating ne
  3. Education - Computer Science & ICT teaching practitioner
  4. Business - Executive MBA Imperial College London, entrepreneur, business support, major strategy
  5. Government - education ministry advisory, ministry of technology advisory
  6. Machine learning - interest
  7. Politics - consultancy and advisory for education services
  8. Research - PHD thesis proof reader
  9. Robotics - part of CompSci. teaching curriculum

Anwar Haque's Problem Solving Experience:

  1. I have created structure, strategy, plans and designs for delivering Computer Science subject in failing subject areas, schools that need the subject enhanced, schools that need subject improvement, schools that need to imporve in order to meet inspection expectations
  2. As part of disrupting schooling, I have developed a framework to deliver education within a technology focused school with business high tech networks
  3. I have developed an education framework that integrates learning and employment suited for developing countries whcih will aim to reach millions of lives