Problem Solver

Bagayana Sheillah Mutetire

Bagayana Sheillah Mutetire

Areas Bagayana Sheillah Mutetire is Knowledgeable in:

Medical device design, medical oxygen, health Technology management, frugal design and innovation.

Bagayana Sheillah Mutetire's Problem Solving Skills:

  1. Analytical skills, critical thinking, communication skills, writing, research, medical device design, frugal design.

Bagayana Sheillah Mutetire's Problem Solving Experience:

  1. I developed a rapid paper testing strip for blood typing to reduce time taken before blood transfusion.
    For past 3 years, tested a novel low pressure oxygen storage system in Uganda and established country level organisation.
    I co-founded a company that locally assembles and manufactures medical devices in Uganda with experience in marketing and fundraising for a start up.