Problem Solver

Carlos Pelayo

Areas Carlos Pelayo is Knowledgeable in:

Electrical Maintenance and Operation for:
Power System
Substation and Distribution System
Instrumentation and Control
Motor Starters
Manufacturing Equipment
Refrigeration Plant
Steam Plant
CO2 Recovery System
Wastewater Treatment Plant
Brewery Equipment
Brewery Materials Handling

Techniques Carlos Pelayo Uses:

Scientific Problem Solving Method
Isolation and Elimination Method

Carlos Pelayo's Problem Solving Experience:

  1. I proposed a monitoring system to trace our rmme expenses and to promote technician engagement in monitoring their PR.
  2. I corrected the soft starter parameters of an 800kW motor to eliminate trippings during motor starting.
  3. I proposed additional safety interlocks to CO2 Dryers to increase its reliability and minimize loss due to damaged electric heaters (1 to 3 damage heaters per year).
  4. I have solved the issue on the erratic pit level measurements at WWTP which was traced to signal interference.