Problem Solver

Carsten Nolte

Carsten Nolte
You can expect me to deliver ideas and approaches that are compact (onepager), easy to understand, with non-technical verbalisation, very much business driven, ideas generated from a "consumer perspective" - ideas for the consumer

Areas Carsten Nolte is Knowledgeable in:

Management, Products, definition of new products and services for existing or new markets, all around IT and education, entrepreneurship

Techniques Carsten Nolte Uses:

association and dissociation: mostly based on random word lists and Osborne checklist

Carsten Nolte's Problem Solving Skills:

  1. university education at Business Administration and Computer Science
  2. responsibility as process owner for group governance what e.g. means "bringing people together in oder to solve issues"
  3. foundation of Internet Webshop "21snacks" (selling international sweets and snacks) - exit in 2013
  4. foundation of company "thinktory" - ideation for clients as the one (outtasking) service
  5. trainer and lecturer for education, IT and management topics (at university and for training companys)
  6. publications with subject to creativity
  7. 15 years experience as (senior) IT manager incl. "finding creatice solutions for challenges in IT services"

Carsten Nolte's Problem Solving Experience:

  1. outtasking of ideation (making the "getting new ideas" for companys easy and fast) -> foundation of company "thinktory" (the new concept behind it is published at "Best Pracitices from CIOs" in 2014)

    training of IT managers towards "project management scills" -> design of a new training concept called "sensoric action learning" (pulished at CIO handbook in 2012)

    ensure availability of international sweets and snacks for consumers -> foundation of 21snacks