Problem Solver

Casey Bettridge

Casey Bettridge

Areas Casey Bettridge is Knowledgeable in:

Front-end development, user experience research, user experience design

Techniques Casey Bettridge Uses:

Soft systems methodologies, design thinking, google sprints, human-centred design, epistemology

Casey Bettridge's Problem Solving Skills:

  1. Front-end web development
  2. Interface design
  3. Interaction design
  4. Information architecture design
  5. Experience design
  6. Ubiquitous computing research
  7. Human computer interaction research

Casey Bettridge's Problem Solving Experience:

  1. I developed several websites for luxury travel companies, private financial institutions, and luxury kitchenware.
  2. I conducted 40+ interviews for a human-centred design research project, based on design thinking and soft systems methodologies.