Problem Solver

David Hazlett

David Hazlett

Areas David Hazlett is Knowledgeable in:

I have an ability to get up to speed on engineering, financial, contractual and business matters, seeing different paths that could have been taken, and which may still be available

Techniques David Hazlett Uses:

I an an innate lateral thinker and every problem is unique with a unique approach not based upon any technique. I have never had a class in problem solving.

David Hazlett's Problem Solving Skills:

  1. Engineer, Lawyer, Negotiation, Litigation, Financial and Accounting.

David Hazlett's Problem Solving Experience:

  1. The last problem I solved was how to value "technology" that was subject to Export Control Laws and was headed to Pakistan through China for use in a Nuclear Power Plant. I can up with a technique that was accepted by the US government without comment, but had never been recognized previously.
    I have resolved contracts disputes around the world by finding a resolution that neither side had noticed even though they had been involved with each other over a long period.