Innovation Author

Edgar Carrillo II

Edgar Carrillo II
Artificial intelligence has many applications today. Itcan be used in different fields like robotics, and motion program.One of the motion problems is flexible pole cart. This study ismaking a simulation of flexible port cart balance. Flexible pole cart can be interpreted as inverted pendulum". The dynamics of the system as established already and a computer simulation using dev c++ as used as program simulator. For the flexible pole cart program, it started with the user inputting whether the pole is rigid or elastic. After inputting its pole characteristic, the user is then asked to input data for the pole characteristic. For rigid pole, 10 inputs are required and for elastic pole, 13 inputs were required. The result of the inputs will be ( outputs like time, distance, velocity, acceleration, pole angle, rigid pole angle and force. After the data were computed using the program, a simulation of distance vs. time, velocity vs.time, acceleration vs time, pole angle vs time, elastic pole angle vs. time and force vs time was shown. As a result of simulation,the graph states that it is a sin function.

Edgar Carrillo II's books:

A Simulation of Artificially Intelligent Flexible Pole Cart using Dev C++