Problem Solver

Emily Fulton

Emily Fulton

Areas Emily Fulton is Knowledgeable in:

Behaviour change/habit products (scientific theory and intervention/product development); behavioural design for consumer behaviour/user engagement; mental health clinician with clinical/knowledge expertise in mental health

Techniques Emily Fulton Uses:

Scientific theoretical models and frameworks - Behaviour Change Wheel, Intervention Mapping, Behaviour change technique Taxonomy. Also Design Thinking, Behavioural Mapping, Lateral creative thinking techniques.

Emily Fulton's Problem Solving Skills:

  1. Mental health
  2. User testing
  3. Qualitative/quantitative research
  4. Behavioural science
  5. Psychology
  6. Behaviour Change
  7. Cognitive Behavioural Therapy
  8. Habit formation

Emily Fulton's Problem Solving Experience:

  1. Increased uptake of flu vaccinations with application of Behavioural Science principles to public health communications
  2. Trained staff in industry and public health england to apply behavioural design and evaluation methods in their work
  3. Increased uptake at Stop Smoking Services with development of a behaviour change intervention and instant booking system (StopApp)
  4. Developed multiple behaviour change interventions in smoking, alcohol, mental health - digital apps, marketing communications and policy. For health, sustainability, consumer behaviour. Highly experienced as a Psychologist & Behavioural Scientist (16 years experience).
  5. Created a digital platform with tools for people with early stage dementia