Problem Solver

giugea elena

please feel free to conatct me, i will do my best to find a solution to your problem .

Areas giugea elena is Knowledgeable in:

finance, automotive, animals, computers, sports, nature, marketing-promotion

giugea elena's Problem Solving Skills:

  1. finance - especially banking
  2. computers- internet
  3. marketing- promoting
  4. automotive
  5. business - ideas to begin a healthy business
  6. communication
  7. animals - especially pets
  8. design

giugea elena's Problem Solving Experience:

  1. when i find a problem in the my department, i always look for a few solution and at the end i choose the one i think is the best .
    when i was named the head of department, i took it with some problems between coleagues ( 10 people ) and it was clearly that nothin worked as it should i put some of my condition, one of them is " nobody from the office is allowed to be stay upset to his coleague beacause we are not friends to be upset, we need to colaborate to do a good business .
  2. also i had ideas to do the work more eficient .( i can not tell you exacly detailed exemples for confidentiality reasons ) .