Problem Solver

Guimer Melendez

Areas Guimer Melendez is Knowledgeable in:

Telecommunications and Multidisciplinary projects.

Techniques Guimer Melendez Uses:

Get information about the problem and present the solution according with the Technologies disponible, appliyng the Engineering Knowledges related to that.

Guimer Melendez's Problem Solving Skills:

  1. Electronic Engineer mention in Telecommunicatios.
  2. Project Engineer in Multidisciplinary Projects in Oil Industry.

Guimer Melendez's Problem Solving Experience:

  1. Design, procurement and implantation of Telecommunication Systems to telemetry of Plants, Poliducts and Gasoductos in PDVSA.
  2. Design, procurement and implantation of CCTV system to monitoring and supervision of instalations in PDVSA Refining Plants.