Problem Solver

Ismail Chamseddine

Ismail Chamseddine

Areas Ismail Chamseddine is Knowledgeable in:

Control systems, Signal Processing, Telcommunications, Aalgorithms Mathematics Physics

Techniques Ismail Chamseddine Uses:

Mathematical modeling and algorithms
Mathematical analysis

Ismail Chamseddine's Problem Solving Skills:

  1. programming C/C++- MATLAB- Telecommunications@Signal processing@control system design- Algorithms

Ismail Chamseddine's Problem Solving Experience:

  1. I have a patented idea (Lebanon) of an optical card for passive storage(no electronics nor magnetics) of capacity higher than QR code readable optically by smartphone or special reader
    made of general purpose material
    suitable for security codes transport proof of ownership
  2. I designed a random number generator of controlled provable randomness based on higher order moments of random variable data (full code in MATLAB)
  3. I solved a problem of array processing (detection and localization of sources) by reducing the problem to finding common roots of several polynomials of several variables(methods available in computer algebra like MATHEMATICA, MAPLE)