Innovation Author

James Garden

I am a World War II navy veteran who became interested in using water as a fuel to supplant gasoline.
I have written a novel, wherein the main character invents a real-world system to dissociate water aboard a motor vehicle that is equipped with an internal combustion engine compatible with using hydrogen as a fuel, or a vehicle equipped with fuel cells and electrict motors.
The hybrid diesel/steam engine in my article was introduced in the novel. I am an inventor, not necessarily a writer. I have a patent pending on a new type of razor blade.
The drawings that accompany the text did not transmit with the text. I do not know why. I can re-send the article with the drawings included, either in the body of an email, or as an attachment to an email. Please advise.
In the near future I shall post another article that details an electro-mechanical concept for accelerating plant photosynthesis. I am donating this concept in the interest of mitigating world hunger. I hope that someone, somewhere, will implement the principles described in my article, and start growing more than one crop in a growing season. This concept was mentioned in my novel.
James Garden, Jr.

James Garden's books:

Big Oil's Nemesis

James Garden's articles:

Accelerating Photosynthesis Using Electro-Mechanical Means
Big Oil's Nemesis
Hybrid Diesel-Steam Engine