Problem Solver

Jan Sande

Areas Jan Sande is Knowledgeable in:

As an full time trader, do I use a lot of time inn the financial market.

Innovation and technology:
I have a good interested to be up to date on several fields, like gadget,green energy,software and whatever makes the world a better place to be.

Training, sport and martial art:
As I train a lot, I have taken some instruction course in general training and specialization training in martial art. Where I have bin training kids for around a year.

Techniques Jan Sande Uses:

Some of the techniques i use. And besides I as Tony Buzan said, we are not problem solver,but problem finders.

Mind mapping

7 thinking hat

Hurson's Productive Thinking Model

Animal adopting- This is where i get inspiration from nature to find existing solutions to adopt to the problem.

Flow Charts - Using it to visual the selected problem, to efficiency the problem chain.