Patent Holder

Jeff Stollman

Jeff Stollman
Methods and apparatus related to document processing based on a document type. (US 8,126,837 B2)
- Uses artificial intelligence to derive decision-able meaning from a text-based document

Methods and apparatus related to transmission of confidential information to a relying party (US 8,464,313)
- Secure exchange of personal data. For example, that ability to share a personal health record with a doctor when hospitalized away from home.

Methods and apparatus for transacting with multiple domains based on a credential (US 8,549,589 B2)
- An identity architecture that separates the authentication of a person as a physical entity from the privileges to which s/he is entitled.

Methods and apparatus related to billing and accounting for assets that require more than two factors to establish asset value (US 8,296,214)
- An approach to creating a leveraged-index mutual fund, ETF, ETN, etc. that never loses fidelity with its underlying index. If the index is down, the fund will always be down. If the index is neutral, the fund will always be neutral.

Gamification Systems and Methods for Improved Healthcare Outcomes (pending)
- Use of competitive teams games and smart Internet-of-Things packaging to provide patients an incentive to take their medications on a timely basis.

Systems and Methods to Ensure Product and Supply Chain Integrity (pending)
- A supply-chain integrity solution that can identify sources of counterfeit, gray-market, and substandard product in the supply chain. The solution can also be used to validate supplier compliance with requirements such as fair labor practices and environmental regulations.