Problem Solver

Jeff Stollman

Jeff Stollman

Areas Jeff Stollman is Knowledgeable in:

I am a polymath. I don't work in every field, but my strength comes from my ability to apply lessons from one discipline to solving problems in another. And frequently, I work in fields where I have no expertise at the beginning and still make substantial contributions to the final solution.

Techniques Jeff Stollman Uses:

I am a polymath. I leverage my wide experience to solve problems in one discipline using perspective and/or techniques from various others.

I have the ability to redefine a problem to change it from an unsolvable one to a solvable one. (I find that many clients get stuck because they have unconsciously defined the problem too narrowly. Their thinking has become too routine because of their many years working in a single discipline. I can break through this invisible barrier because my wide experience gives me multiple alternative ways to look at the problem.)

I elicit requirements by facilitating sessions with client SMEs.

Jeff Stollman's Problem Solving Skills:

  1. cross-cultural optimization
  2. program management
  3. innovation
  4. blockchain
  5. internet of things
  6. multi-disciplinary solution development
  7. business process

Jeff Stollman's Problem Solving Experience:

  1. I developed a patent pending solution to enhance medication adherence. The solution, applicable to both clinical trials and general usage, combined "smart" Internet-of-things" packaging of medication with competitive team games to keep patients incentivized to take their prescribed medication on a timely basis.
  2. I led the development of a fully automated, modular, transportable, robotic factory for demilitarizing every weapons in the US chemical arsenal. The system operated without human intervention to

    1. neutralize explosive components
    2. neutralize chemical components in an environmentally safe way
    3. recycle brass, copper, and other metals

    The factory could handle the diverse shapes and sizes of chemical weapons ranging from small arms munitions to bombs and aerial spray tanks.
  3. I developed a solution for obtaining reliable biometric measurements from subjects by distracting them using game theory.
  4. I co-developed an Internet of things solution to report and track the orientation and status of millions of power poles (and their cross-arms) in an electric grid. The solution included a mesh network of secure 6LoWPAN devices powered by the magnetic field of the power lines. The solution was designed with an expected 30-year life.
  5. I co-developed a pending pending supply-chain-integrity solution using blockchain technology. The solution used supply-chain transaction data to:

    - identify sources of counterfeit, gray-market, or substandard products
    - verify the provenance of sourced components
    - identify violators of certain environmental regulations
    - verify that suppliers complied with fair-labor practices
    - verify that suppliers complied with good environmental practices
  6. I have granted patents in artificial intelligence, accounting systems, privacy, and security. I have three pending patents in blockchain technology and substantial experience reviewing prior art.