Problem Solver

Jefferson Ingold

Areas Jefferson Ingold is Knowledgeable in:

Engineering, Energy, Business, Management, Leadership, Consulting or educating others, solve problems to reduce poverty applying technology or other means.

Techniques Jefferson Ingold Uses:

Determine what the situation is
Analyze the specific problem and break a big problem in different little problems in a systems type of analysis
Identify what are the goals to be met in order to solve the problem and find a solution
plan on how to meet the goals and what tools (formulas, ideas, people, resources, budgets) will be needed in order to solve the problem
Apply the tools to solve the problem
Check if all the problems have been solved, control the situation and assess conclusions

Jefferson Ingold's Problem Solving Skills:

  1. Organized
  2. Management
  3. Calculations
  4. Analysis

Jefferson Ingold's Problem Solving Experience:

  1. I dealt with many patron clients problems in the recreational facility, where rules and regulations where not respected and I developed good people's skills and management solutions for customer service.
  2. I helped reduce costs on materials for the design and construction of a gearbox by gettign rid of unnecesary space of non functional items of the product, htis had an economic and technical impact
  3. In a gearbox company in france, workers had differetn ways of mounting a specific gearbox, which related to problems. I came up with a standardized document and plan in order to have everyone working on the same page and mounting it one way
  4. Currently analyzing the production process of an ethanol plant in order to reduce losses and increase productivity of the plant
  5. I helped my employer search for the best solar thermal water heater distributor in china for his specific needs in Peru. Constantly talked about business and price reductions and FOB's and import export terms with the manufacturer in China in order to get the products in Peru.
  6. I created a maintenance log for a recreational and multi use sport facility for all the machines and analyzed teh repetitive problems the machines faced and came up with a plan to reduce this by implementing a preventive maintenance program.
  7. I helped Petroleum engineers analyze dog leg severity problems and come up with a formula to analyze the effects on a drill tool
  8. I have worked as a change order engineer for a civil engineering company in Chilca Peru for the construction of a thermal power plant and my job was to analyze drawings and report changes in these in order to see the cost change in the project