Problem Solver

Jennifer Lee

Jennifer Lee

Areas Jennifer Lee is Knowledgeable in:

elearning, decision making and negotiation skills, AI (automated intelligence), coding, mob programming, hackathons

Techniques Jennifer Lee Uses:

Root cause analysis, project roadmapping, information architecture mapping, applying knowledge from other fields to a given task, brainstorming, white boarding, kanban tracking, storyboarding, big head analysis, customer journey mapping, etc.

Jennifer Lee's Problem Solving Skills:

  1. edutainment
  2. content strategy
  3. online interactivity
  4. online engagement

Jennifer Lee's Problem Solving Experience:

  1. - I have held staff and freelance roles producing content for nearly every medium and writing about content marketing strategies for the rest
  2. - I worked with the FCC to bring closed captioning to broadcast viewers online
  3. - I am a National Press Foundation retirement issues fellow who helped write the first consumer guide to investing Individual Retirement Account funds outside of the stock market (but still within your IRA)
  4. - I am an Agile Certified Practitioner (PMI-ACP) who loves creative problem solving and digging in to help get any job done