Problem Solver

JoeAntonio Juhant

Areas JoeAntonio Juhant is Knowledgeable in:

technical solutions, vehicles , engines , vehicle transmission , transportation
Electrification of vehicles

JoeAntonio Juhant's Problem Solving Skills:

  1. Technical solution skills ,mechanica design

JoeAntonio Juhant's Problem Solving Experience:

  1. I did write the whole project for electric vehicles production covered with all infrastructure needed for electric vehicles to become competitive and vide used in personal and goods transportation. Project includes all , also servicing and rent system by which is 100% captured by vehicle producers
    Did also put on paper project for heavy load truck future transportation , hybrid powered using simple cheap low fuel consumption combustion engine designed by me.
    Did designed low parts number combustion engine, with special inlet valve design
    I did design motorbike front , similar to known swing arm center hub steering , but different , what makes my design perfect to replace fork suspension bike design