Problem Solver

Jon Mauger

Areas Jon Mauger is Knowledgeable in:

I have a vast experience of dealing with the elderly sector. I would like to see more development in products that can help home care safety, items that can help diagnose risks before they become accidents, that can be shown to clients so they can realise there is an issue that needs addressing.
I would also like to see developed safe algorithms for a care staff follow when deciding on and subsequently using equipment in the community.

Techniques Jon Mauger Uses:

Adaptation and thinking out of the box is essential in dealing with the elderly and people facing live changing events. It is vital to look at what changes are necessary and balance that with what is practical and would accepted by the user. The challenge is to win the user over and then persuade them that a piece of equipment or a certain lifestyle change will be beneficial. Someone might not want a walker because it helps with their balance but if they realise they get to see a grandchild more then the argument goes away.

Jon Mauger's Problem Solving Skills:

  1. I have worked in healthcare for almost 30 years, with a BSc in Healthcare Management
  2. I was an emergency care Paramedic for 15 years
  3. I manage a healthcare equipment supply business
  4. I am a ROSPA level 4 manual handling trainer
  5. I specialise in mobility equipment and pressure care prevention
  6. I have an extremely wide range of knowledge of all varieties of community healthcare equipment

Jon Mauger's Problem Solving Experience:

  1. I developed the local community equipment supply loan facility which has been rolled out over Jersey for the past 7 years, enabling care to be safely carried out at home.
  2. I am currently involved with developing a local standard of practice for pressure care assessment and provision for all clinical practioners to follow in Jersey.