Problem Solver

Marco de Carvalho

Marco de Carvalho

Areas Marco de Carvalho is Knowledgeable in:

Technological innovation, new product development, innovation methodologies.

Techniques Marco de Carvalho Uses:

General Theory of Innovation, Systematic Innovation, TRIZ, Cybernetic Transposition, Synectics.

Marco de Carvalho's Problem Solving Skills:

  1. Education
  2. Mechanical Engineering
  3. Project Management
  4. Innovation
  5. Product Development
  6. Technological forecasting

Marco de Carvalho's Problem Solving Experience:

  1. Helped solve several quality problems in an automotive manufacturing company.
  2. Created a simple and effective methodology for students conducting their final year project.
  3. Created a device for improving work posture of dentists.
  4. Created a simple device that allowed testing of mechanical parts outside tolerance, to determine if they could be reliably assembled in final product.
  5. Designed a better, simpler timer for an ice maker.
  6. Developed a simple and effective solution for transferring weight to the ground in weed cutters. Previously, weight support had to be done by the user, causing fatigue.
  7. Created a very successful MBA program in innovation and product development.