Problem Solver

Emily Caudle

Emily Caudle

Areas Emily Caudle is Knowledgeable in:

I love to research. Tell me what projects come up and the scope of the project.

Techniques Emily Caudle Uses:

I developed questionnaires that are used to interview the creator of the a new product or service.
I envision that I would need to use the product or service and then what would I ask besides "how much is it?"
I sketch out my vision of the product and then get feed back from the client.
I find out what makes this item different or better or unique from all the other items offered in the market place now.

Emily Caudle's Problem Solving Skills:

  1. typography and calligraphy

Emily Caudle's Problem Solving Experience:

  1. I have drawn up illustrations of new products for presentations to the patent office for my clients.
    I have created presentation brochures with these illustration to introduce these new products to the market place, or get financing for production.
    I created copy for the brochures or other marketing materials, that answered questions potential clients would ask if sponsoring, using or buying these products.