Problem Solver

Miayan Yeremi

Areas Miayan Yeremi is Knowledgeable in:

Electronics, Physics, Mechanical engineering, drones

Techniques Miayan Yeremi Uses:

I use physics to try and loosely understand if a solution is plausible in theory. Next, I shift to my engineering skills to try and figure out what implementation might be dos t optimal in terms of cost, ease of construction,

Miayan Yeremi's Problem Solving Skills:

  1. Programming, C/C++, python, Matlab, Labview, R.
  2. CAD modelling using Onshape
  3. Sensor development
  4. Working with Electronics

Miayan Yeremi's Problem Solving Experience:

  1. I have developed a spectroscopic technique based on wavelength modulation spectroscopy and implemented it. This system is capable of measuring methane concentration on the order of 10 ppm.
  2. I have been part of a team that has developed a new type of tribometer that works with high loads and cylindrical geometries. We are currently applying for a patent for this new device
  3. I am currently woking on a special thermodynamic chiller that will be more effective than ice cubes and easily rechargeable in the freezer.