Patent Holder

Nurlan Maks

Nurlan Maks
1. Patent KG No. 1236 C1 dated March 31, 2010. Screw closure for vessels.
2. Patent KG No. 1278 C1 dated 30.08.2010. Screw lock with directional drain.
This invention has been filed and is under consideration at the Eurasian Patent Office. According to the first two inventions, a prototype was made, according to the test results, the necessary negotiations were held for the serial supply of products. Currently, funds are being sought for the introduction of finished products into production with their further sale on the market of Kyrgyzstan. Partners from China are busy calculating the cost of production of finished products.
3. Patent KG No. 1330 C1 dated 31.01.2011. Wave power plant (drum type) - designed for use mainly in coastal waters, and with complex placement it is also possible in deep water.
4. Patent KG No. 1347 C1 dated 31.03.2011. Pneumatic wave power plant - also designed for use in coastal waters, and with the exception of pneumatic pumps, it is also effective for use in geothermal sources.
5. Patent KG No. 1348 С1 dated 03/31/2011 Wave power plant "Nurlan-KM" can be installed both under the water environment and above the surface of the reservoir, with the possibility of converting the horizontal and vertical components of the kinetic energy of the sea wave.
This invention is very effective for use in deep sea environments.
According to the above 3 inventions, there are interested organizations, some improvements are required and with their further submission to the patent offices.
6. KG patent No. 1419 C1 dated 01/31/2012 "Maksutaliyev's gravitational inertial engine", which is also under consideration at the Eurasian Patent Office. According to this invention, as a result of negotiations with investors and interested organizations from Germany, a decision was made on the effectiveness of implementation in production, and at the moment a prototype is being manufactured.
7. Patent KG No. 1425 C1 dated February 29, 2012 “Mechanical Converter - Power Amplifier”, also pending at the Eurasian Patent Office. This invention became the basis for 3 applications for the conversion of wind, wave and river (fluid) energy, which are at the stage of filing with international patent offices.