Problem Solver

Otto Brockmeyer

Areas Otto Brockmeyer is Knowledgeable in:

Textil Industry
Energy Savings and Renewable Energy
Metallurgy and Ree's - Rare Earth Elements

Techniques Otto Brockmeyer Uses:

Project Autocad for machine drawing
Thermodynamic calculations
Materials and combustion knowledge
Mathematic models for simulations and calculus
Propulsion and rocket technologies

Otto Brockmeyer's Problem Solving Skills:

  1. Machine design
  2. Energy Savings
  3. Renewal Energy

Otto Brockmeyer's Problem Solving Experience:

  1. I developed and introduce Natural Gas for public transportation in Brazil.
    Also was consultant for biomass gas producer.
    Was the main designer and author for a microgravity space compartment.
    Have complete design of a Rural-Service Airplane
    I am solving how to extract some rare earth elements - Rare Metals