Problem Solver

Pieter Van imschoot

Areas Pieter Van imschoot is Knowledgeable in:

Cards payments industry, internet of things, blockchain, project management

Techniques Pieter Van imschoot Uses:

Creation of maps, drawings to summarise the current state of affairs
Frequent consultation with all involved parties
Background reading and studying in a wide range of topics
Brainstorming sessions and combinations of ideas to generate solutions

Pieter Van imschoot's Problem Solving Skills:

  1. Project management
  2. Idea generation
  3. Technical writing
  4. Business analysis
  5. Swot/ five forces analysis

Pieter Van imschoot's Problem Solving Experience:

  1. I won an internal prize for the best idea to start a new distribution channel, the food truck, to grown the convenience shop business.
  2. I worked out a low-cost way to integrate electric mobility into existing back-office processes. This allowed for quick and cheap validation of the market opportunity.