Problem Solver

Raziah Mwawanga

Areas Raziah Mwawanga is Knowledgeable in:

Media, communication, movies, television, consumer goods, hospitality, people relations, environent, gas and oil, networking and creating networks

Techniques Raziah Mwawanga Uses:

Excellent negociator, lobbist, communicator, manager, coordinator, facilitator, trainer, interviewer, social researcher, attention to detail, multi task, persistence, patience and team player

Raziah Mwawanga's Problem Solving Skills:

  1. Networking and making and conneting collaborations and partnerships
  2. Sourcing
  3. media and communications
  4. Television Production

Raziah Mwawanga's Problem Solving Experience:

  1. I am a specialist in Multi Media Print and television
    I have knowledge in Environmental conservation
    I am an expert knowledge on Media and journalism in writing and production
    I am an expert in Investigative Journalism and investigation, peer review, audience research.
    I am an expert in lobbying and Advocacy,
    I am an expert in event planning and Management
    Good in Negociation, communication, hospitality and people relations