Problem Solver

Ricardo Silva

Areas Ricardo Silva is Knowledgeable in:

BI, ML, Deep Learning, Architecture, Coaching people, Data Processing

Ricardo Silva's Problem Solving Skills:

  1. Machine Learning: Use of tensorflow, pytorch and Azure ML
  2. Data Visualization: Preparing results to be used by tools such as Power BI, Laravel or Webflow
  3. Data Science: Analyze and implement strategies for problem solving
  4. Data Processing: Preparing high volumes of data for BI
  5. Computer Programming - Python and R: Application of Python/R on Deep Learning models
  6. Big Data: Data gathering, Data quality, Managing high volumes
  7. Artificial Intelligence: Data preparation, Modelling, Training and interpret results
  8. Natural Language Processing: Analyze, prepare and use scientific papers using NLP
  9. Predictive Analysis: Use of Deep Learning models, use of Computer Vision

Ricardo Silva's Problem Solving Experience:

  1. Implemented recently a solution using Deep Learning with Computer Vision for image analysis