Problem Solver

Robinson López Monzón

Robinson López Monzón

Areas Robinson López Monzón is Knowledgeable in:

- Big Data.
- Embedded Systems.
- Precision Agriculture.

Robinson López Monzón's Problem Solving Skills:

  1. Technology Brokearage
  2. Problem Solving

Robinson López Monzón's Problem Solving Experience:

  1. Me and our team, developed and strategy named "Innovation Trade", that actually is working with farmers who need direct connection with international markets. They usually have very high quality products but very low technology process, so the final client pay an extra price for investment in technology in farmlands, so they continue growing they production, have better payments (by direct connection with final clients) and our company connect the technology requirements with researchers and companies.
  2. I developed a ripening predictor based on dielectric spectroscopy for banana crops, actually is patent pending and working on the commercial tests.