Problem Solver

Sean Newman

Areas Sean Newman is Knowledgeable in:

Building design design creating new invitation to help the lower class to build structure and Revenue 4 its own countries states and provinces and Mass produce for green energy natural resources

Techniques Sean Newman Uses:

I plan to design and mass-produce wind farms of all sorts of my different turbines that not only have one generator generating but could have up to 5 or 6 and is acquit with 10 rotating rings and will have an 10 fins animal generate more electricity than the turbines they have now by 1 2/2 for everyone

Sean Newman's Problem Solving Skills:

  1. im trying to build my new wind turbine better then the ones now its my dream and havent stop trying and n

Sean Newman's Problem Solving Experience:

  1. I studied blue prints to both the turbines now and also the different ways and was able to put my turbine together I have many different designs that will produce more electricity per turbine then the ones they have now I drew my own blueprints and made a 3D model that generates electricity put a different way I also have applied for to get it Patton and did the whole application process I still have the application but they it costs nine hundred and something dollars to do so please help me in my dream