Problem Solver

Sheryl Roth

Areas Sheryl Roth is Knowledgeable in:

I am interested in Art, Human Nature, Science, Health, etc.

Techniques Sheryl Roth Uses:

The techniques I employee is knowledge I have gathered from reading, listening to radio presentations and a relentless desire to find solutions to problems

Sheryl Roth's Problem Solving Skills:

  1. I am excellent at finding better routing for transpertation. I was able to have collection mail brought to the Nashville P&D

Sheryl Roth's Problem Solving Experience:

  1. I build up a strategy to ensure first class mail, available for delivery, was picked up by carriers from LSM machines and not left behind.

    I moved from NYC to Nashville and advised the Safety Department to coat walkways and ramps with a material used on subway staions to avoid slips and trips.

    My friend had had a stroke. My research found the use of magnets in a location in AZ to help stroke survivors. He has been helped considerably.

    I myself have PAD. My recent research finds there is a procedure, not yet abroved by the FDA, where stem cells are removed from the hip and reintroduced into the leg where smaller and stronger vessels provide better blood flow.

    I have written to the powers to be in the USPS to save money by not transporting decorative stamp stock. The stamps are heavy and time consuming to maintain security. This would save fuel and work hours. Another suggestion I made was for the Window Services to provide money grams. This would generate income.