Innovation Author

Silviu Covaliov

Silviu Covaliov
My main work in innovation is oriented towards wetland management and conservation.
Therefore since 2001 I'm working in a research institution.
Often we develop solutions or make studies for Danube Delta Biosphere Reserve Authority.
- I have over 13 years experience in ecological research especially aquatic plants and vegetation assessment - publishes articles and coordinated book publishing
- I have more than 10 years experience in satellite image photo-interpretation (Corine Land Cover classes) for land cover and business / ecological management suitable maps
- I have 8 years experience in project management - created and ruled department for technological transfer and dissemination in research institution
- I have developed databases for pastures and herbs as tools for local management administration bodies - in Danube Delta
- I have experience in Joomla CMS personalisation and development of on-line solutions for business, research or education
- I have more than 10 years experience working occasionally as for guide for bird watching, nature observation in wetland areas - Danube Delta
- I have experience in working whit civil society issues in environmental area - coordinated for 5 years projects or tourism promotion - development and environment protection.

Silviu Covaliov's books:

Pădurile din Rezervaţia Biosferei Delta Dunării – Cele mai întâlnite specii de plante lemnoase /Forests from Danube Delta Biosp
“Manual de…Delta Dunării” – Ghid pentru personalul de teren al Administrației Rezervației Biosferei Delta Dunării și Gărzii de Mediu