Problem Solver

Soumyadyuti Nandy

Soumyadyuti Nandy

Areas Soumyadyuti Nandy is Knowledgeable in:

I am highly interested in robotics and Artficial Intelligence, this is the reason why I am into mathematics and computer science.

Techniques Soumyadyuti Nandy Uses:

When I start to solve a problem, I prefer to make a pipeline of the various methods and possible options. The next step is to research through books or internet about the credibility of the solutions. This helps me choose the best option and create an implementation. Generally when implementations are difficult, I communicate and work through to reach my goal.

Soumyadyuti Nandy's Problem Solving Skills:

  1. Machine and Deep learning
  2. C++ proragmming
  3. python programming

Soumyadyuti Nandy's Problem Solving Experience:

  1. 1. Found donors for CharityML. This project is a part of CharityML, a fictitious organization which predicts potential donors for themselves. This is a data science machine learning project which uses regression and other ML algorithms to predict donors and their estimated amount.
    2. Developed pre-trained Image classifier which predicts dog breeds. This is an Image classifier which has been trained on Resnet, a deep learning neural network which can predict dog breed of the input image.
    3.Made an Image classifier that predicts new images using a trained model. This project is a part of udacity's artificial intelligence course. This is an image classifier application which can take in new images and predict labels.