Innovation Author

Subramanya Sanbhat

A. Paper Published in Journals / Magazines / Books - 07 Nos.
1. Suitability of Stiffened Sheet Metal as Against a Plate Metal in Fabrication Works: A scientific approach towards metal craft work.
2. Cognitive Intelligence: Exploring its effects to help learn, unlearn and relearn engineering for problem solving at workplace through co-relating Core and Course Subjects.
3. A Case study for Technology Fusion on Rise in Parking Woes as against Affinity for Advancement in Automobile Design & Manufacturing.
4. A Study to Help Understand & Evaluate the Comparative Restraint Efficiency of the Living Body Cell and Military Defence Mechanisms when Perceived Through a Fall in Ethics and Value System.
5. Appropriate Technology: An Overview Questioning its Feasible Blend With Conventional Fuel Adapted Society.
6. An Attempt for a Practical Solution to Overcome Stressful Environment/ Situations Skillfully.
7. An overview on regulation as the route to development of appropriate technology – a low entropy technology such as biomass.

B. Conference Papers - 16 Nos.
1. Provision of ‘Scope For Improvement’ in Product Design Processes for Product Redesign:
A Theoretical Proposal for Indigenous Development
2. Suitability of Stiffened Sheet Metal as Against a Plate Metal in Fabrication Works – A Scientific Approach Towards Metal Craft work
3. A Case study for Technology Fusion on Rise in Parking Woes as against Affinity for Advancement in Automobile Design & Manufacturing
4. Appropriate Technology: An Overview Questioning its Feasible Blend With Conventional Fuel Adapted Society
5. A Study to Help Understand & Evaluate the Comparative Restraint Efficiency of the Living Body Cell and Military Defence Mechanisms when Perceived Through a Fall in Ethics and Value System
6. An Attempt for a Practical Solution to Overcome Stressful Environment/Situations Skilfully
7. An Analysis to Determine Low Turnover of Medals Tally at International Level Sporting Events from Indian Men and Women
8. Sustainable quality through value focus in education for the adolescent age group
9. Sustainable quality life through value focus based on environmental sustainability, social sustainability and economic prosperity
10. An overview on the diamond advantage in construction renovation: A proven technology for controlled concrete removal
11. An overview on regulation as the route to development of appropriate technology – a low entropy technology such as biomass
12. Alternative materials for steam turbine blades instead of conventional blade materials
13. Enhancing the versatility of AutoCad by using Layers
14. Bagasse as an alternative fuel
15. Heat straightening - A fabrication process for repair of damaged steel structures
16. Fuel from the Fields : A paper to converting agricultural wastes (bagasse) into charcoal briquettes