Problem Solver

Suneeth Ramasahayam

Areas Suneeth Ramasahayam is Knowledgeable in:

Financial problem with a quick deadline.

Suneeth Ramasahayam's Problem Solving Skills:

  1. Quick on feet thinking.
  2. Problem solving.

Suneeth Ramasahayam's Problem Solving Experience:

  1. I am 18 years old college student and I was in a debt of $55,000(not college debt). In 6 months not only have I got out of the debt I have built my net value to over $100,000. This is not because of some money making product or anything, it was only because of my solutions to the problem which I knew was right at the moment but I had to wait for about 3 months to implement. What I mean for you to understand out of this is that I'm great at solving problems with a quick deadline and also poses the patience for the right moment and also that I'm not an impulsive individual.