Problem Solver

Suyog Upadhye

Suyog Upadhye

Areas Suyog Upadhye is Knowledgeable in:

Social Equilibrium. Green Energy, Understanding and modelling the situation, Solution to a problem with no or minimum tampering with the existent system.

Techniques Suyog Upadhye Uses:

Back - tracing the problem to its root and then taking the corrective measures...

sometimes it takes time but the solutions are profound....

Suyog Upadhye's Problem Solving Skills:

  1. Ability to represent the real life scenario in the form of diagram and algorithm
  2. Understanding the complexities and Paradigms in social and cultural issues
  3. Understanding of stress and stain on matter, body and mind
  4. Understanding of human and social problems and healing methodologies to that
  5. Understanding of Mind, space and Yoga
  6. Data Analysis and Data Visualization
  7. Environment in its natural state and under influence of a phenomenon
  8. Understanding the natural behaviour of matter & materials
  9. Data and Behaviour modelling
  10. Computer Programming
  11. ability to encode the given possibilities based on priority, probability and benefits
  12. Ability to innovate and invent strategies and ways based on the problem

Suyog Upadhye's Problem Solving Experience:

  1. I have written several articles on "Root cause of problem"
  2. I have done research and worked on fundamentals of "Religions, their need and futility"
  3. I have made games for computers and mobiles
  4. I have made films on learning and learning process
  5. I have discovered the most simple way of healing and improving the performance which stands applicable to most
  6. I have written software and provided solutions for relatively dynamic allocations
  7. I have worked with more than 1000 students with lower abilities and helped them feel comfortable and aspire for more....
  8. I have done research on "back - tracing the problem to its root and corrective steps"
  9. I have deep rooted understanding of behaviour of human mind and human tendencies.