Problem Solver

Syed Aziz Ur Rehman

Syed Aziz Ur Rehman

Areas Syed Aziz Ur Rehman is Knowledgeable in:

Green Technologies.
Carbon Finance and Volantary Carbon Markets.

Syed Aziz Ur Rehman's Problem Solving Skills:

  1. Statistical Analysis, ANOVA
  2. Pedo, Hydro,Bio and Geochemical Analytical Skills
  3. Questionnaire and Methodology Development

Syed Aziz Ur Rehman's Problem Solving Experience:

  1. Developing strategies for Carbon markets establishment in pro-poor and developing countries perspective.
  2. I can develop Pasture Management Plan.
  3. I estimated the total carrying capacity of Alpine Meadows to avoid overgrazing and Pasture degradation.
  4. Finding out the total Green house gas emission and Agriculture foot print on Climate Change.