Problem Solver

Valentin Cela

Valentin Cela

Areas Valentin Cela is Knowledgeable in:

Marketing, mathematics, makro economics, business, movies, creating ideas, gives solves to problems.

Techniques Valentin Cela Uses:

I use strategies that are unic and very efficent.
Firstly i make a research and than i find simiral problems.
I analyze phenomen and i give a solution acording not only to limited problem, but to solve it in a bigger phase envoirment(indrustry).

Valentin Cela's Problem Solving Skills:

  1. Marketing proffesor part time hobbie
  2. Smart
  3. Work in groups
  4. Learn fast
  5. Born Marketer
  6. Motivater
  7. Work hard
  8. Firendly with numbers
  9. Inventor
  10. Like statistics
  11. Strong character/personality
  12. Creative
  13. Communication
  14. Learn fast
  15. Leadership
  16. Co-work
  17. I know a little from everything happening in the world
  18. Responsibly
  19. Try try and always try
  20. Delegation of dutys
  21. I think OUTSIDE OF THE BOX
  22. Good predictor
  23. Consultant
  24. Analyst
  25. Thinker

Valentin Cela's Problem Solving Experience:

  1. I have developed uPick smart service, which is all about digitalizing the way of ordering in bars and restaurants, by my team application, which works in a tablet that each table im Bars and Restaurants. We helped waiters by reducing their time and statisfy consumers in their ordering time.
  2. I helped my mom to sell more things in her shop because of my selling strategy.
  3. I have made with me team data analitycs for bars and restaurants to help them reduce costs.