Problem Solver

Vincent Beazel

Vincent Beazel
Find someone who is knowledgeable in the field you want to study and offer them a place on your team. Do not waste your life trying to make money on your ideas, while others can help you develop them and receive the benefits of working with a team of like-minded persons who value your input. Linus Thorvald created the platform for Linux as open-source; and others carried out his vision and made him wealthy without being obligated to pay him...learn from the true pioneers in your field and avoid the quick and easy path to paper wealth. Study the whole supply line of the industry; not just the leaders but the ready to travel the globe and learn the languages of the people who can help harvest the raw materials for your project development.

Areas Vincent Beazel is Knowledgeable in:

marketing for startups; using radio blogging to connect investors to projects anywhere in the world.

Techniques Vincent Beazel Uses:

Bringing experts on a live show, to discuss their area of expertise in any field; with follow-up questions from people with similar backgrounds and interests...which leads to further discussions on other LIVE shows, with open-forum discussions for people who call in to ask or challenge the experts and move on to further research and development in that field of expertise.

Vincent Beazel's Problem Solving Skills:

  1. Active in Creating Radio Blogs for Companies and Groups involved in overseas development

Vincent Beazel's Problem Solving Experience:

  1. Most recently, we were discussing the uses of Lithium on one of our radio shows and the host did not know where it was being mined; so a google search revealed some of the places and regions for mining lithium; associated minerals/metals and the advent of an entire industry to be launched for mining lithium from wastewater; this activity took up about ten minutes of a LIVE radio broadcast. Many more such methods of using a question to dig out a new research topic for future shows, such as how to finance energy and development led to the creation of FED Talkradio: Financing Energy and Development.