Problem Solver

Vladimir Frayfeld, Ph.D.

Areas Vladimir Frayfeld, Ph.D. is Knowledgeable in:

Creep rupture life prediction for high-temperature metallic materials

Vladimir Frayfeld, Ph.D.'s Problem Solving Skills:

  1. Innovative creep rupture life prediction method for high temperature metallic materials

Vladimir Frayfeld, Ph.D.'s Problem Solving Experience:

  1. Author of an innovative creep rupture life prediction method for high-temperature metallic materials. The method uses a unique algorithmic approach. In contrast with traditional methodologies (Larson-Miller Parameter and similar time-temperature parameters based on the theory of thermo-activated processes), our method uses an innovative nonlinear damage summation model along with a program product for its computational realization. The method provides reliable CRL predictions that exceed the maximum test time by approximately two orders of magnitude.