Problem Solver

Ziad Abou Aly

Areas Ziad Abou Aly is Knowledgeable in:

Safety and accidents prevention.

Techniques Ziad Abou Aly Uses:

Root Cause analysis

Ziad Abou Aly's Problem Solving Skills:

  1. problem solving
  2. presentation skills
  3. business solutions
  4. Root Cause Analysis
  5. analytical

Ziad Abou Aly's Problem Solving Experience:

  1. I have have identified many Root Causes for the accidents and incidents and as a result i have reduced the total number of accidents and incidents inside my Company.
  2. I have contributed in achieving the highest number of hours per Truck per year in my previous Company through the effective planning of Trucks operation and Maintenance.
  3. I Have Trained Truck Drivers on Defensive Driving Techniques and as a result I have reduced the number of Road accidents/ incidents.